Todd Kappelman

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January 31, 2006
Robert Higgs

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By Robert Locke | September 13, 2002

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by Anthony Gregory, Posted February 23, 2005

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The Four Networks in the United States
How does the Four Networks theory apply to the United States? This section shows why it is plausible to suggest that there is class domination in the United States, especially compared to most other democratic capitalist countries. Economic elites have had no serious power rivals in the United States for a number of complex historical reasons.

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The Origins of Modern-Day Power Structures in Europe
To understand the American power structure, we first have to consider briefly the power structures in the European civilizations that created colonies in what is now the United States.

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The Four Networks Theory of Power: A Theoretical Home for Power Structure Research
by G. William Domhoff
April 2005

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The Higher Immorality
excerpts from the book: The Power Elite
by C.Wright Mills

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The Mass Society
from the book: The Power Elite
by C.Wright Mills

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The Military Ascendancy
from the book: The Power Elite
by C. Wright Mills

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The Warlords
from the book: The Power Elite
by C.Wright Mills

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The Chief Executives
from the book: The Power Elite
by C.Wright Mills

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The Higher Circles
from the book: The Power Elite
by C. Wright Mills

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